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 Prepopulating Fields From Master Table

9/26/2016 5:50:40 PM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
JOHNF777 author

I'm relatively new to the ASRunner.NET (but old to ASRunnerPro) and having to learn C# now, it's a little challenging.
I'm trying to re-write my old programs to ASPRunner.NET now. I was wondering if anyone can help in how to prepopulate some fields in the Detail table.

From the Master Table:

CustName, CustNum, Address1, etc.
In VB, I used something like:

(Detail List) Before Display:
str = "select * from EstLogs where EstNo=" & Session(strTableName&"_masterkey1")

Set rsTemp = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") str, dbConnection

Session("CustName") = rsTemp("CustName")
Thanks in advance.

admin 9/30/2016

Just in case here is the similar code for C#:

XVar data = pageObject.getMasterRecord();

Session["CustName"] = data["CustName"];

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