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Custom alert messages

6/24/2016 3:28:31 PM
PHPRunner General questions
stiven author

Hello everyone,
I was wondering if maybe anyone has come across with the following situation. I added a button on the grid. I want the user to confirm they want to proceed before processing the event on the server side. I can do this with the confirm option in javascript, if(!confirm('Are you sure...?)) return false; but what if I have custom dialog, modal popups instead of the regular alert popups. This won't be possible. Now I am wondering if there is any way to stop/pause the button until the user confirms in the modal popup if they want to proceed or not. Here is the modal popup I am using.

Here is what I have. this is onClient before


title: "Are you sure?",

text: "This will be submitted for Payroll. No revision past this point.",

type: "warning",

showCancelButton: true,

confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",

confirmButtonText: "Yes, Process Hours!",

cancelButtonText: "No, Cancel!",

closeOnConfirm: true,

closeOnCancel: false },


if(!isConfirm) {

swal("Cancelled", "Payroll was not processed.", "error");

return false;

