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image "mouse over" event in master - detail view_page

9/2/2014 4:35:25 AM
PHPRunner General questions
YCH author

I would like to implement in my project the "large picture" effect as shown in the RealEstate example project : more precisely like on the "retblresults_view page". It has this "mouse over" event showing a enlarged image of the selected picture.
Meanwhile my concept is different:

I have two tables "Property" and "Image". Property is the master table, Image is the details table. Both tables are linked on the propertykeyID field.

Property table has the following fields: propertykeyID.

Image table has the fields: imagekeyID, Photo, propertykeyID

So the Image table holds several photos (of one property) one photo per record.
I have also a Property_view page displaying the Image_list page. The Image_list page shows 4 pictures per row though.
Now, In the visual editor tab of the Image_list page I have put this html code : <IMG id=imgMainPhoto src="images\no_image.gif">

Then in the 'Javascript OnLoad event' of the Image_list page I have copied this code from the example






$(this).bind("mouseover", function(e){




This code with the "mouseover" event works well in the RealEstate example in the "retblresult_view" page but then this table has several fields per record to hold the images and there is no master - detail relationship.
The code however does not work in my project because instead I have one imagefilename field per record in the Image table, and several records to hold all images.

As well as directly in the Image_list page or in the Property_view page (with the Image_list page as detail page) nothing happens when I move the mouse over a photo. I do not get the enlarged picture in the "imgMainPhoto". Can someone help me with the adjusted code I need? Many thanks in advance.

YCH author 9/3/2014

May I reformulate my question more simply . I am referring to the example project "RealEstate".
In the retblresults_view page of this example project there is this html code : <IMG id=imgMainPhoto src="images\no_image.gif">.

Then in the 'Javascript onload event' of the retblresults_view page there is this code:






$(this).bind("mouseover", function(e){




Iam trying to achieve the same functionality in _list pages.

So, I copied the codes in the retblresults_list page, but to no succes. Nothing happens when I hover the mouse over the pictures in the retblresults_list page.

Does anyone know if such event can work in _list pages, and if positive how this code need be adapted to have it work ?
many thanks.


YCH author 9/12/2014

Can someone help me with the previous demand ? many thanks. Yves