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  Ajax call, multiple data

3/19/2012 3:53:40 PM
PHPRunner General questions
stiven author

Hello everyone,
I have a button on the edit page that when it is clicked it makes an ajax called to an external php page here is the code it works if i pass only one value but i need to pass two and im not sure how to fix this
this is the button

<input type="button" name="send_email" id=send_email value="Order Video" case_id="'.$values['case_no'].'" type="video" />



type: "POST",

url: "include/orders.php",

data: "case_id="+$(this).attr('case_id')+"type="+(this).attr('type'),//i added type here

success: function(msg){

alert("Order Sent.");




$(this).attr("value","Order Sent");


this is the error

TypeError: Object #<HTMLInputElement> has no method 'attr'

admin 3/19/2012

The following is wrong:


Should be this:

stiven author 3/19/2012

Thanks so much! it worked!! but now i have another problem :/
on the php page im getting the values together and they should be separate :/ here is the code
ajax call



type: "POST",

url: "include/orders.php",

data: "case_id="+$(this).attr('case_id')+"order_type="+$(this).attr('order_type'),

success: function(msg){

alert("Order Sent.");




$(this).attr("value","Order Sent");


php receiving page

$case_no = $_POST['case_id'];// this output 2012093order_type=flowers

$user = $_SESSION['UserID'];

$type = $_POST['order_type'];//this output nothing...
admin 3/20/2012

Sorry, not really a PHPRunner question. Check jQuery documentation and samples here:

stiven author 3/20/2012

Thanks I got it working I had to change the type to GET here is the result.



type: "GET",

url: "include/orders.php",

data: "case_id="+$(this).attr('case_id')+"&order_type="+$(this).attr('order_type'),

success: function(msg){

alert("Order Sent.");




$(this).attr("value","Order Sent");
